Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lazy weekend

We are having a nice relaxing weekend. Kari and I got up and went to the Parelli Center early this morning. (Well, a little later than our usual time, but before most people got there...) We gave the horses their breakfast and then went and spent some time on the computers (hence the picture heavy post from below!). We went out to play in the Enchanted Forest play ground this morning. We decided to work on stream crossings this morning. Josie isn't a huge fan. She will go if you make her, but I wanted to try to make it her idea today. I spent a lot of time letting her think about it (as introverts need LOTS of time to think). When she kept hitting the same threshold, I started to ask for more of a try. All of a sudden, she was ready to try and ended up in the middle of the stream pawing away like a madwoman! It was a great left brained moment for her. She was sending muddy water flying in every which direction. I'm sure Kari got some funny pictures of me trying to back away from the monster that I had created! Instead of blowing herself through/over the stream she just stayed there and played for several minutes. We were all in stitches watching her!

Once we got over to the other side, we moseyed our way over to the pond, and repeated the performance there. She goes into the pond much more willingly, and has even more fun splashing! I hope to have her swimming by the end of the week! It was a great session for the morning, and so nice to have a left brained horse to play with. We copied Kari and Vegas and played with sideways game over a log--both towards me and away from me. She caught on to the sideways towards me pretty quickly, which was nice.

Kari and I then went into town for a little shopping (Tractor Supply!) and lunch. We called Carole on the way. I think of her every day, and so wish that she had been able to join us down here. Our whole Wisconsin horse group, for that matter. It truly is a trip of a lifetime. (one that I would like to repeat every two years or so ; ) sorry, Dave!!!!)

Now we are just hangin' under a tree, letting the horses graze.

Molly and Josie

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