Wednesday, February 25, 2009


The post that I had written last night for today ended up getting deleted, so I'll write a truncated version this morning. We had another good day yesterday. We finally got to use the seat builders, which was interesting. It was interesting how easy it was to see what parts of people had tension (ankles, knees, etc.) We will be doing more with the seat builder today.

Our afternoon session was on the patterns. Josie was pretty introverted today, so we had to take our time getting up to the hill honeycomb. I'm glad that I took the time that she needed though. Otherwise I would have ended up with a right brained extrovert horse on the top of that scary hill! I can definitely tell that my leadership quotient has increased in the time that we are hre, and that is SO COOL! We played on line for a while (everyone else was riding) until she was ready to ride. At that very moment, Linda Parelli rode up on Remmer! They were on their way to a lesson up in Pat's world. It was fun to see them.

The honeycomb was thick with riders, so there was some controlled chaos, but for the most part we were all able to stay out of each other's way. Josie was definitely helped by doing some patterns (follow the rail and figure eights). After a while she was able to relax and keep her mind more on me than the scary cows lurking behind the fence and the long scary lines of trailers! There is a lot to think about up on the top of the hill! It is my job to be more interesting than all of the distractions up there...

All in all, it was a good day. We ended on a good note. The picture posted today was at the end our ride. A happy, relaxed pony!

Talk to you later--

Molly and Josie


  1. It looks like you are having the best time! What a wonderful getaway for you and your horse and your cowgirls! :) I'm envious!


  2. What the heck is a seat builder? Did I miss that term somewhere in my many PNH years???!!
    Looking forward to the answer to that upon your return but don't hurry..more snow on the way.
    You haven't heard much about Orion's trotting because the weather reverted to winter cold and icy......oh,, well..C

  3. Nice-nice-nice ! Good to read the progress and how you are realizing your own equine 'empowerment'. That's what it's all about. I'd say you are impressing your horse ! Fantastic ! Love,
